5 Easy Ways To Get The Team Involved In Sustainability

There are many ways to be more sustainable. We can recycle more, donate, or change our diet. But one of the biggest ways we can be more sustainable is through encouraging sustainable living for our employees.

Having a team that shares the same values, and practices sustainability both within and outside the workplace, can help to bring sustainability to the heart of your organisation. Together, you can discuss, work towards, and share your passion for sustainability. 

Having a team that understands the importance of sustainability means that you all have a shared goal. You can understand each other’s values and mission. You ave a team that is motivated and inspired by sustainability. When we all care and do our part to make a difference, real change can happen. 

So, what are some ways that business owners can encourage sustainability and sustainable living within their team?

Inviting People To Talk With The Team

One of the biggest ways to get people excited and talking is to have people who are already excited talking to them. For example, inviting people to come and chat and discuss their journey with the team. It is a great way to get people talking about sustainability, low waste, and reducing their carbon footprint. At Conscious Creatives we do workshops to get everyone talking about sustainability. Soon we will be holding net-walking events too. This is another way to get the team involved in these kinds of conversations. 

You can also get local people involved. For example, owners of local zero-waste shops or people who run sustainability charities. Generating interesting discussions among the team is a great way to start bringing sustainability into the heart of the workplace. 

Film Nights

Over the last year many businesses have been taking their social time online with zoom calls, quizzes, and film nights. Having a regular team film night is a fun thing to do, but it can also be a great way to encourage and engage the team in deep conversations. We have a previous blog that you can read here where we share our top 5 shows to watch for sustainability. 

Low Waste Lunch Space 

Creating a low waste lunch space could take the form of many things. One thing you could do is encourage low waste meals. From recipes as posters to sharing low waste cookbooks among the team, it can encourage people to know more about eating in a more sustainable way. If you are a business that has a cafe, having plenty of vegan options and seasonal vegetables/fruit is another way to encourage people to eat green. Supplying compostable teabags and organic, fairtrade coffee are other small things we can do to me mindful of our waste and what we consume.

Sales Incentives

Having sales incentives that focus on wellbeing, low waste living, and the environment are great ways to be more sustainable and get your team excited about sustainable treats. From National Trust memberships to low waste shop vouchers to sustainably made clothing, this can be a way to both thank your team and encourage them to make the most of the great options there are for a sustainable way of living. 

Creating A Supportive Environment

Encouraging, but not pressurising, sustainable living is how we can get the team more engaged in sustainable living. Sharing our favourite blogs, youtube videos, or documentaries that discuss themes of low waste living, climate action, gender equality, poverty, among many others can help to get people wanting to learn more. 

Offering paid volunteer days for a charity that the team cares about, such as litter picking at beaches or offering food to those in need, are other ways to get people involved in projects and activities that help people and the planet, as well as supporting them in something they care about. 

Want to read more?

For a further look at bringing sustainability to the heart of your team, have a look at our previous blog How to get your staff on board with sustainability.

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