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Thank you for signing up to our newsletter! While you are here check out our Impact Report

Instance 1


Our simple version contains all of the highlights and strategy for our business but leaves out the data and method


With the appendix comes a few extra pages showing how we came up with our data. So you can have full transparency on our numbers

Why make an Impact Report at all?

In a recent study for Forbes, more than 88% of consumers stated that they believe companies should try to achieve their business goals while improving society and the environment. 

88% of people want companies to be more sustainable. This is huge.

So the questions becomes…how can you show the world just how sustainable you are!?

Being sustainable is about more than simply recycling and reducing plastic (though this does help). There is more to sustainability than CO2. In fact, Climate Action is only one of the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals. 

The mission for creating a sustainable future is also about ending poverty, having gender equality, and improving people’s health and wellbeing. Sustainability is about helping everyone and everything to prosper and thrive, both the planet and its people. 

With consumer’s growing concerns over the environment, people’s wellbeing and rights, and with the need to create a better future, investing in an achievable sustainability strategy is a way to move your company forward. 

It is a way to make effective and positive change, give your consumer what they want, and increase revenue.

What do we do?

Make it simple

Firstly, we provide a journey. We begin by getting the whole team involved, offering workshops on sustainability, getting everyone passionate and excited to make a difference. Helping everyone to understand what sustainability is.

Make it possible

We then help you to create a solid action plan, creating clear goals for your business plan. We all decide together, what areas of sustainability make the most sense for your business.

Make it beautiful

We will provide a report on your sustainability strategy in an accessible way for all your stakeholders. You can see our own Impact Report by following this link and downloading for free.

Service breakdown

Our 3 core areas of sustainability will help you understand the widest impact of your business without making it overwhelming

Carbon Footprint

We will measure your Scope 1, 2 & 3 emissions and create a reduction strategy that will align you with the SME Climate Hub

SDG Action Manager

Aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals has been made simple and we will guide you through the process

Social Value

Using the HACT Social Value bank we will take a look at the positive impact you have on your employees and your community

Together, we can be more sustainable. We can give consumers what it is that they want: a good company that does good things in a good way.

If you are ready to take the step in getting your organisation more sustainable then please complete the form below and we will be back with you within 1 business day to book a call and have a further discussion…