Ethical, Exciting & Engaging Ad Campaigns

We specialise in new customer funnels that balance sales and sustainability

If we don’t start new customers flowing in your business within 30 days then don’t pay your invoice. We guarantee our work and new customers in your sustainable ecommerce business.

Get 1 on 1 time with a UN Global Compact Advisor and 2 Decade marketing veteran

Our founder, Mark is available for 30 minute sessions to talk directly with you about your problems. We all want sustainable ecommerce businesses to thrive and this is part of his giving back program.

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Get “What We Are Testing” In Your Inbox Every Month

In our monthly newsletter we simply share what we are testing for our clients and what’s working. Scale up your sustainable ecommerce business with insights from our ethical campaigns without spending a penny.

How We Grow Your Business Through New Customers

We have 3 core services that we can offer. All designed to harmonise with each other to maximise new customer revenue and growth for your business.

Pay Per Click Management

We are partnered with Meta (Facebook & Instagram), Google, Pinterest & TikTok to ensure you get the highest performance from these platforms. We have access to higher levels of support and can help navigate challenges. 

We currently manage around £500,000 per year in advertising spend across these platforms and others all with high ROAS.

Landing Page Design & Testing

Pay Per Click is about getting new people to your website. Making sure what they see on the other end matches, entices and creates action is the next step.

We work mostly with WordPress and Shopify but can design pages in a PDF that can be easily replicated by any web team. Our goal with this service is to increase conversion rates from new users.

Email Marketing & Automation

If however, like most people a new user doesn’t immediately decide you’re their new favourite brand we do have some backups.

Part of our conversion tactics is getting their email address.  This allows us to send automated, highly targeted and effective email follow up that doesn’t get caught up in the spam folder.

Nothing speaks to their skills like the sheer beauty of the creations they have produced for us—and the 5000% ROI we’ve seen in some of the paid advertising campaigns they have managed!

Mark and his team have helped to increase our conversion rate across key product pages by over 60%. 

This has helped towards our amazing growth over this year.

Having automated emails that support us getting back abandoned carts and introducing new prospects to our brand in a fun, engaging way has been invaluable. Our list and sales are growing!

welcome to discovery commerce

This is how new customers are found in 2023


The customer journey of 2023 starts out with someone browsing on social media and finding some inspiring content from a brand they don’t know.

This person perhaps clicks or most likely they go to Google and search for keywords relating to the product. They head to the top result and begin to understand more about the pain point that drew them in. 

Finally they will either make a first purchase or perhaps sign up for an email in order to learn more about the brand. 

For your brand to be ready to grow all 3 elements must be in place. Fantastic and inspiring ads and content that bring new people in. An SEO optimised website that makes sure you are there when people are searching for your product. Finally, an email marketing and automation system that earns you brand loyalty, repeat purchases and most importantly, word of mouth. 

The above videos are from our client Cornish & Cosy, a small startup ecommerce company that produces responsible post-swim and adventure products. Placed on TikTok they drive high engagement and brand awareness by showcasing the best of Cornwall and inspiring potential customers to get outside. 

Choose Mindset Over Money To Grow Your Business

Are you worried that you don’t have enough cash to grow your business? 

Cash is the thing that affects speed of growth not whether growth is possible. So if you are working bootstrapped or have low cash reserves don’t worry, you just need time. 

Who We Are


I’m Mark

I am the founder of Conscious Creatives and along with my small team I am focused on developing my creative skills and my awareness of the world. 

I am lucky to hold an advisory role for the United Nations Global Compact, here in the UK. My role is focused on sustainable SMEs across the UK. 

Living in Cornwall I’ve seen the impacts of Brexit, Covid and more on our rural towns. Being surrounded by the beautiful coastline and amazing biodiversity it’s not hard to find inspiration to fight for our wonderful natural world and help businesses to find their role in that fight.


I’m Becca

I am the creative influence for Conscious Creatives. 

I have lived in Cornwall my whole life and have been inspired by the sea, growing up on a farm and seeing what local businesses need to do to stand out in tough market places. 

My principal role is helping our clients understand their audience and messaging match. With my background in psychology I help our clients who are often fantastic at making sustainable products but aren’t so good when it comes to closing sales. 

Multi-Award Winning International Sustainability Marketing Agency

Based on the stunning Cornish coast we are a small team of experts that have a strong sense of purpose and desire to see the world a fairer place.

We are the only organisation in Cornwall that represents the area at an international policy level through our membership with the United Nations Global Compact

Our Mission Is To Be A Role Model For Social Change

We want to show how businesses can be a force for change not a force for profit at the expense of people and planet.

 Core Value #1

Doing the right thing is the right thing to do

Core Value #2

Have a kind heart towards all work and challenges

Core Value #3

Have a culture of open and honest communication

Core Value #4

Create space for everyone to thrive

Creating a sector leading business & sustainability strategy

The Cornwall Museums Partnership’s purpose is to create positive social change with museums. Having already done some work on their values, and having had some discussions with the team about the kinds of positive change they wanted to create in the world, they knew that they wanted to go further. 

Their mission was to put both people and the planet at the forefront of their vision, wanting to grow awareness within the team and network about the climate emergency.

We wanted to work with a company whose values aligned with our own

emmie kell | ceo

We approached Conscious Creatives because we wanted to work with a company whose values aligned with our own. Our charity’s purpose is to create positive social change with museums and we work with partners who share our commitment to creating positive change for people and the planet.

We delivered a business plan with Emmie that had sustainability wrapped through the whole document and helped them to secure their funding for the next 5 years. While note a traditional project we love to highlight our work with this incredible charity because it was two organisations with similar values that found a way to support each other.

If you are a sustainable business that wants to work with us but not sure how then please reach out. Whether it’s a coffee and a chat or something bigger there is always a way for like-minded organisations to collaborate.

The Three Steps To Success With Digital Advertising in 2023

Step 1 | Spark Interest

In amongst a cost of living crisis, an energy crisis and more we can’t expect everyone to have the spare cash perhaps they once had. We must be kind and offer more than just a good product. So we start with sparking their interest. We offer inspiration and education to allow potential customers to experience the brand values.

Step 2 | Feed Curiosity

We can then take them through a journey. Allow their curiosity about your product be met with interesting and engaging posts and ads. Showcase the best of what you do and share your purpose. Creating interactive experiences can really take your engagement to the next level.

Step 3 | Reward Connection

Come full circle and reward your customers and followers by going above and beyond with your customer service and interaction opportunities. Create pop-ups, find ways to encourage play and fun within your community and bring people together. 

Delivering growth for 5 years in a row

Our proudest relationship is with a leading health & wellbeing company in Australia. Originally working together on attribution models and building in retargeting we have supported them across all touch points within digital marketing. Our main task though is delivering new customers.

Since beginning work in 2018 we have helped them to go from 7 figures a year to averaging over $1,000,000/m so far in 2023. We mostly focus on Meta and other traffic focused platforms and drive their creative direction for advertising. 

Working closely with the Meta reps we are ensuring the continued development of the brands digital plan and we are progressing towards hitting new goals. 

Get A Completely Free, No Obligation, Advertising Audit

Supercharge your e-commerce business and make the world a better place!

If you are ready for new customers then complete the form below and we can start working together…


See what our clients say about us

I highly appreciate your expertise in the field of sustainability and CSR communication, which added considerable value to our breakout session and the entire CSR Day. As you’ve seen, our guests were very interested in your experiences with storytelling. Thank you for handling such a big group in the interactive part of the session

Carina Hauptmann

austrian business council for sustainability

I have been very impressed by the thoroughness of Conscious Creatives’ work.

Nothing speaks to their skills like the sheer beauty of the creations they have produced for us—and the 5000% ROI we’ve seen in some of the paid advertising campaigns they have managed!

Ian McPherson

authentic presence

Conscious Creatives provided us with many actionable steps which we’re now implementing.

We were particularly impressed by the personal followup from the CEO and they really seemed to care about the quality of the service they were providing.

Luke Pearce

radical tea towels