Time’s up. Now we have to take action for the future of our climate.
On September 20th, 2019 people from all over the world will down tools and strike for the climate. It will mark the biggest day of climate action in history, with protesters demanding widespread change to how we treat the environment.
As well as being an eye-catching event, it’s a huge landmark in the history of sustainability. Adults will join school children — who have been striking every week for around a year now — to demand change on a global scale.

What are the goals of the climate strikes?
Our problem is greater than plastic straws or energy-efficient light bulbs. Beyond these quick fixes, we need to kickstart real, revolutionary change.
Renewable energy must be acknowledged as the rightful replacement for oil and coal, and investment needs to reflect that. A zero-carbon economy is the right and realistic target.

Single-use plastics must be replaced with sustainable, recyclable materials. We have to give innovative companies and scientists room to show us the way.
Ecosystems must be given the protection they require. Large areas of land must be set aside for conservation and natural regeneration.
Any action must be considerate of social justice. Rich nations have long exploited poorer nations, and we can’t afford to repeat those mistakes when seeking to correct them.
Why should you get involved? And why now?

The evidence is clear. Our planet cannot continue to thrive if human beings do not change their ways.
Our short time on the earth has coincided with an unprecedented period of warming. Species are going extinct at a rate never before seen. The biosphere is collapsing under the huge weight of humanity.
Future generations will pay for the mistakes of their elders. If we want to be able to look our grandchildren in the eyes with any kind of integrity, we need to take a stand now.
It’s time to follow the four simple words of Greta Thunberg, a powerful voice in the youth movement: “Listen to the scientists.”
A widescale climate strike tells our governments and corporations that we will not tolerate the abuse of our environment any further.